stream: free-flowing writing space for mental clarity

Experience peaceful, unfiltered writing where your thoughts float away as you type. A safe space for processing ideas and emotions without permanence.

About Stream

stream of consciousness

A peaceful space for unfiltered writing and self-expression. Watch your thoughts drift away as you type, creating an endless canvas for processing your ideas, feelings, and reflections without judgment or permanence. Don't worry about your writing style, the grammar, or punctuation, just let your thoughts flow.

Privacy Note

Your writing is never saved or stored. As your words float away on screen, they also disappear from memory, creating a safe space for complete honesty and vulnerability.

How to Use

  1. 1. Start typing whatever comes to mind
  2. 2. Watch as your thoughts float away after each line
  3. 3. Keep typing without editing or judgment
  4. 4. Let your mind wander and explore freely
  5. 5. Click the eye icon to see all your thoughts
  6. 6. Copy your stream if you'd like to keep it
  7. 7. Close the page whenever you feel complete


  • • Releases mental clutter and reduces anxiety
  • • Improves emotional awareness and processing
  • • Enhances creativity and idea generation
  • • Provides therapeutic self-expression
  • • Creates mindful presence through writing

When to Use

  • • When your mind feels cluttered or overwhelmed
  • • During creative blocks or decision-making
  • • For processing emotions or experiences
  • • As a daily mindfulness practice
  • • Whenever you need to clear your head


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