link: check-in on your social wellness and health

An interactive tool for assessing and visualizing your social wellness across different circles of connection in your life.

About Link

link: social health check

A quick way to reflect on your recent social connections and engagement across different circles in your life. This experience helps you visualize and assess your social wellness through an interactive and simple approach.

How to Use

  1. 1. Click on each social circle to reflect on your engagement
  2. 2. Consider your interactions over the past week
  3. 3. Write and mentally commit to one change for next week
  4. 4. Reflect on your social wellness across all your circles at once

Note on privacy and data

This tool is designed to be used in a private and anonymous manner and just for this moment. Your data is not shared beyond this browser session.

Social Circles

  • • Family - Your closest relatives and chosen family
  • • Partner - Your significant other or closest companion
  • • Self - Your relationship with yourself
  • • Friends - Your social connections and friendships
  • • Community - Your broader social networks and groups


  • • Increases awareness of social connections
  • • Helps identify areas for growth
  • • Encourages intentional social engagement
  • • Supports work-life balance
  • • Promotes social wellness

When to Use

  • • During weekly reflection time
  • • When feeling socially disconnected
  • • Before making social plans
  • • During life transitions
  • • As part of your overall wellness routine

What is social wellness and health?

Social wellness and health refer to the overall well-being and balance in your social relationships and connections. It encompasses your interactions with family, friends, and community, as well as your emotional and mental health.


It's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to check in on your social wellness. This is meant to be a quick and easy way to do that across all the different circles that help define and support your life.
